5月10日 東京ダーツマスターズ、PDC選手紹介(1)

Phillip Douglas Taylor
賞金ランキング 3位
ニックネーム: The Power
BDO:1987年、 PDC:1993年
優勝歴: (*は現在のメジャー)
1988年=Canadian Open
1990年=British Pentathon,Denmark Open, Finnish Open, Isle of Man Open, Jersey Festival, North American Open, British Masters, WDF Eourope Cup
1991年=British Pentathlon, North American Open
1993年=Berlin Open
1994年=UK Masters
1995年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Match Play,
1996年=*PDC世界選手権、Center Parcs Masters, UK Match Play, PDC World Pairs, Sunparks Masters
1997年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Match Play, Antwerp Open, Battle of the Champion, News of the World Champ
1998年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Grand Prix, Antwerp Open,
1999年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Grand Prix, Champ vs Champ, Jersey Festival
2000年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Match Play, *World Grand Prix,
2001年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Match Play, Montreal Open
2002年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Match Play, *World Grand Prix, *Desert Classic, Eastbourne Pro, Montreal Open, North American Cup, UK Open Regional x2
2003年=World Match Play, World Grand Prix, UK Open, Bobby Bourn Memorial, North American Cup, UK Open Regional,
2004年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Match Play,*Desert Classic, Bobby Bourn Memorial, Champ vs Champ, China Telecom Cup, IRL Open Autumn Classic, UK Open Regional x2
2005年=PDC世界選手権、World Grand Prix, Premier League, Desert Classic, UK Open, Bobby Bourn Memorial, Dartgala Hengelo x3, IRL Open Autumn Classic, Masters, Players Champ x4
2006年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Match Play, *World Grand Prix. *Premier League, *US Open, Munich Open, Players Champ, UK Open Regional
2007年=Grand Slam, Premier League, UK Open, Bobby Bourn Memorial, German Champ. South African Masters, Players Champ x2, UK Opne Regional,
2008年=*World Match Play,*World Grand Prix, *Grand Slam,*Premier League, Champ League, *Desert Classic, Europe Champ, *US Open, Antwerp Trophy, Bobby Bourn Memorial, London Masters, South African Masters, Players Champ x8, UK Open Regional x2,
2009年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Match Play, *World Grand Prix, *Grand Slam, *Europe Champ, *UK Open, *Players Champ.Final, Derman Champ. Gleneagle Irish masters,Jocky Wilson Cup, Killerny Pro Tour, South African Masters, Players Champ x8, UK Open Regional x3
2010年=PDC世界選手権、World Match Play, Premier League, UK Open, Europe Champ., US Open, MDA Face Off, World Cricket Champ., Players Champ x4, UK Open Q x2
2011年=*World Match Play, *World Grand Prix. *Grand Slam, Champ League, *Europe Champ.,*Players Champ.Final, Hemeco Open, *RTL7 Masters, Players Champ x4 UK Open Q x2
2012年=World Match Play, Premier League, Champ League, Players Champ.Final Australian Open, DPA tournament of Champs., World Cup, German Champ, Players Champ., UK Open Q x2
2013年=*PDC世界選手権、*World Match Play, *World Grand Prix., *Grand Slam, Champ League,*The Masters, Sydney Masters
2014年=*World Match Play, *Grand Slam, German Masters, Players Champ, UK Open Q, Perth Masters, Sydney Masters,
2015年=*World Cup, Players Champ, UK Open Q, Japan Masters, Perth Masters, Sydney Masters
2016年=UK Open Q
2006年=Player of the Year
2007年=Fan's Player of the Year
2008年=Fan's Player of the Year, Player of the Year, Players' Player of the Year
2009年=Player of the Year, Players' Player of the Year, Fans' Player of the Year, Best PDC Pro Tour Player
2010年=Stoke-on-Trent Sporting Hall of Fame
1月マスターズ ベスト4
2月UKオープン予選(1) 準優勝
2月UKオープン予選(3) 優勝
2月UKオープン予選(5) ベスト4
2月UKオープン予選(6) ベスト8
3月UKオープン ベスト4
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